Wednesday, December 11, 2013

You Can Either Pray or Worry, but It Doesn't Make Sense to Do Both

One of my favorite spiritual quotes in the whole wide world comes from the rapper 50 cent. He was being interviewed by Oprah and said "You can either pray or worry, but it doesn't make sense to do both" He talked about watching his grand mother go to church every Sunday and pray for things to be better and then going home and worrying, and it just didn't make sense to him. If you really believe in the power of what you are praying for why would you have to worry and if you are going to worry what is the point of praying.

Whenever I am feeling fear or lack I try to remember this. He's right, it just doesn't make sense to do both. And in fact, with knowing about the power of the law of attraction, these negative thoughts and feeling are actually putting into motion the opposite of what we want.

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