Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

You Can Either Pray or Worry, but It Doesn't Make Sense to Do Both

One of my favorite spiritual quotes in the whole wide world comes from the rapper 50 cent. He was being interviewed by Oprah and said "You can either pray or worry, but it doesn't make sense to do both" He talked about watching his grand mother go to church every Sunday and pray for things to be better and then going home and worrying, and it just didn't make sense to him. If you really believe in the power of what you are praying for why would you have to worry and if you are going to worry what is the point of praying.

Whenever I am feeling fear or lack I try to remember this. He's right, it just doesn't make sense to do both. And in fact, with knowing about the power of the law of attraction, these negative thoughts and feeling are actually putting into motion the opposite of what we want.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

What Do I Really Want?

It seems like such a simple question, but the answer is often not quite that simple. The first step in getting what you want and often the hardest, is getting clear on what you want. This has seemed to be quite difficult for me lately. I have felt like my focus has been really scattered. I want to do a lot of things and at the same time don't really want to do anything. It has been hard for me to focus or visualize on any thing because my focus has been so scattered. As I think about one thing. something else pops into my mind.

During a treatment and mediation workshop I went to we did an exercise called the Realization Exercise.  In this exercise we were simply supposed to pair up and ask our partner the same three questions, over and over again for three minutes.

What do you really want?

What form do you see this taking?

What experiences do you desire?

Being the person that likes to have everything figured out, especially if it requires speaking in front of someone else, my first thought was to have a plan, start figuring out my answers before I was even asked. I didn't really think much would come from the exercise, but I decided to just be vulnerable, live into the moment and see what if anything came out of the exercise.

So as my partner asked me "What do you really want", each time I answered with on of the many things I would love to do or have. I want to be financially secure and live a financially abundant life, to help kids, especially those from disadvantage backgrounds improve their lives abroad and locally, to help people improve their life, to be a spiritual thought leader, to be a motivational speaker, to have a successful business, to have a strong presence in fashion, to start a group home, to have a successful tech related start-up, to travel internationally as well as nationally. But the answer that I notice always stayed the same was "What experience (from that) do you desire". That answer was always happiness, joy, freedom, ease and grace. So the last time he asked me what do I really want I realized, what I really want is to be happy, feel joy, feel free, and live with ease and grace. The other things were how I would like to see this take form in my life.

This felt like it gave me a sense of clarify. I know what I really want. I know how I would like this to take form in my life, and I can be open to other avenues that may bring me the happiness, joy, freedom, ease and grace that I desire.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Quote of the Day - Find Ecstasy in Life

Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough

-Emily Dickinson 


Friday, December 6, 2013

Dear Life Letter

For homework for class last week (I am taking a spiritual class called Foundations) we were supposed to write a Dear Life Letter. The format was ...

Dear Life, 

One thing I would like to contribute to the world is ...

What it would take for me to do this is ....

And we were supposed to fill in the blank. 

For some reason this exercise didn't really hit home for me. I wrote something but didn't really get connected with it. Then during class they told us we were going to write another letter from Life to us.  It was to start Dear Our Name, Thank you for you contribution. This is a letter from life to you and end In Love, Life. The instruction was to just write without thinking about it or any judgement and this is what I came up with 

Dear Melissa, 

Thank you for your contribution. This is a letter from life to you. Thank you for just being you. Thank you for allowing your light to shine for other to see and be motivated by. Thank you for all the work you do to make the lives of children and people better. Thank you for caring. Thank you for making a difference. Thank you for the love you are and that emanates from you . Thank you for being courageous.

In love, 


I was pleasantly surprised about how my letter came out and am inspired to live into it and also recognizing how I am already living it. 

If you were to write a Dear Life Letter and one from Life to you, what would yours say?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Quote of the Day - Be Thankful For What You Have

Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.

If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never, ever have enough

-Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why It's Good to Feel Like a Failure

"Feeling like a failure is a natural part of becoming a success. It's actually a good thing and means you're taking action and putting yourself out there.

Which is a way more than most critics and naysayer have the balls to do"

-Marie Forleo

I just read this article on that was just right on time and what I needed to hear (or read I guess :) ). In the article she talks about how she went to a summit series in D.C. and one of the stand out moments was hearing Russell Simmons talking about how many of his biggest business endeavors were failures before they became a success. Some failed for as long as six years before they hit. Everyone around him thought he was crazy. You just have to stay at it. 

I have heard this idea many times, but you know how sometimes you just have to hear the right thing, at the right time, and said the right way? Well this was exactly that for me.  It actually in a way encourage me to finally just create this blog that I have been thinking about for a while. 

Here are are my favorite excerpts from the article ...

Frank Kern (her marketing mentors) response to a question on how to write a sales letter. 
"You sit down and fucking do it" (funny, but so real!)
Anyone who accomplishes great things in business and life is bound to "fail"along the way.
Legendary success in any fields requires a shit ton of stick-to-it-ness
When you know you're meant to birth an idea into existence ... feeling like a failure often means you're moments away from your biggest success

To read the full article go to ...