Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why It's Good to Feel Like a Failure

"Feeling like a failure is a natural part of becoming a success. It's actually a good thing and means you're taking action and putting yourself out there.

Which is a way more than most critics and naysayer have the balls to do"

-Marie Forleo

I just read this article on MarieForleo.com that was just right on time and what I needed to hear (or read I guess :) ). In the article she talks about how she went to a summit series in D.C. and one of the stand out moments was hearing Russell Simmons talking about how many of his biggest business endeavors were failures before they became a success. Some failed for as long as six years before they hit. Everyone around him thought he was crazy. You just have to stay at it. 

I have heard this idea many times, but you know how sometimes you just have to hear the right thing, at the right time, and said the right way? Well this was exactly that for me.  It actually in a way encourage me to finally just create this blog that I have been thinking about for a while. 

Here are are my favorite excerpts from the article ...

Frank Kern (her marketing mentors) response to a question on how to write a sales letter. 
"You sit down and fucking do it" (funny, but so real!)
Anyone who accomplishes great things in business and life is bound to "fail"along the way.
Legendary success in any fields requires a shit ton of stick-to-it-ness
When you know you're meant to birth an idea into existence ... feeling like a failure often means you're moments away from your biggest success

To read the full article go to ...

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